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Nu fyller vi 80 år!
Under hela 2023 firade VRK, en av Sveriges äldsta och största radioklubbar, åttio år. För att uppmärksamma använde vi ett aldrig tidigare utdelat prefix – 8S80AA – som luftades på alla band och alla modes mellan 2 meter och 160 meter. Resultatet blev över 21 000 QSO!
Can you believe it…80 years!
Throughout 2023, one of Sweden’s oldest and largest radio clubs celebrated 80 years. To draw attention to this, Vasteras Radio Klubb (in Sweden known as VRK) has been used an unique callsign and a never before assigned prefix – 8S80AA. The activity is now over, ended with more than 21 000 QSO!
In addition to a series of happenings, physical activities and participations in a large number of contests during the year, we also offer a special award to the person who manages to work a sufficient number of single members to achieve a minimum of 80 points.
All documents below is in english, PDF.
* Rules -. regler
* List of members – medlemmar i VRK
* Application form – ansökan
Rules and Application form has been updated: 6th january 2023
List of members updated 15th february 2023